Rules for Catalonia DroneCamp’18

Rules for Catalonia DroneCamp’18  

What is the Catalonia DroneCamp 
The Catalonia Drone Camp 2018 is a training program consisting of 150 hours meant for international entrepreneurs interested in launching business projects related to the drone field. It calls 20 entrepreneurs who want to train in the field of technology, applications of professional drones and business management. Debating and working on the definition and prototyping of possible startups. Everything in an intensive and co-operative space of 1 + 3 weeks, with the help of the best professionals. 

Work, Live and Play in full nature. 
This initiative is funded by the European Social Fund through la Generalitat de Catalunya.  
Who organizes the Catalonia DroneCamp The University of VIC – Central University of Catalunya ( ), from now on UVIC-UCC,  the Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory ( ), from now on MVVF and the Barcelona Drone Center ( ),  from now on BDC. This initiative is part of the PRIMER Programa of la 

Generalitat de Catalunya  ( ). This Programa, is promoted by Catalunya Emprèn ( ) and co-funded by the European Social Fund that aims to promote specialized territorial entrepreneurship in the pre-acceleration phase. 

Organizers, teachers and selection committee  Ermen Llobet Martí (Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory), director 
Xavier Vergés (MVVF), head of studies  
Specialized training: Marc Beltràn and Jordi Santacana (Barcelona Drone Center) 
Business teaching: Elisenda Tarrats and Albert Armisen (UVIC-UCC) 
Pre-aceleration: Ermen Llobet, Francesc Rossell and Xavier Vergés (MVVF) 
The teaching team will be published on the Catalonia DroneCamp webpage. 
The participant selection committee will be composed by Ermen Llobet, Xavier Vergés, Elisenda Tarrats and Marc Beltran. 

Participants The course is designed for a group of 20 to 25 international participants, preferably half of them having a technical profile and the other half a business / financial profile and, if possible, it will be tried to accomplish parity. 
Language The course will be taught in English. 
Spanish and Catalan can be also used within the groups with theses common languages and during the extra activities. 
Structure of the course The Catalonia DroneCamp have two different phases: 
- Online training phase (from October 8th to 19th, 2018) - In-person training phase (from October 22nd to November 10th, 2018) with 14 training days (November 1st is public holiday, so there won’t be training) 
Content The Catalonia DroneCamp'18 consists of 150 hours of training and 30 hours (in total) of individual mentoring that is distributed in the following training blocks. B1. Specialized technological training. 40 hours. Includes 24 hours of training in drone technology, aerodynamics, communications and on-board systems, remote sensing, photogrammetry, sensing (RGB, thermal, multispectral, radar and Lidar), post-processing, computer vision, 

GIS, precision, resolution, calibration and 3D printing applied to drone systems. 
It also includes 16 hours of planning, simulation and flight practices B2. Learning market and civil drones applications. 40 hours. Includes market analysis of drone and sensor systems. Regulatory framework. Analysis of applications in agriculture, emergencies, security, industrial inspection, surveillance and rescue, marine studies, humanitarian applications, cartography and natural and cultural heritage. Overview of entrepreneurship in the drones sector. B3. Training in business management and entrepreneurship. 45 hours. Strategy and Business Innovation 
1. Company and Business Creativity 2. Advanced Tools for Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship 3. Basic Finances for Entrepreneurs 4. Elevator Pitch B4. Identification and prototyping of business projects. 25 hours  Through collective sessions there will be a debate process (redefinition of the problem), idea creation, prototyping, action plan and communication. Each participant individually, in tandem or in small groups will then work on a new startup project. Individual startup project mentoring With a total of 30 hours, each project will have its individual mentoring. The mentorings will be done by the MVVF with the support of the UVic. They include a previous telephone session and  face-to-face sessions. Final session (Demo Day) There will be a final session in which each person or team will do an elevator pitch of their project in periods of 2 minutes + 2-3 min of questions. It will take place on Friday, November 9th and will be attended by investors, professionals and senior entrepreneurs. At the end of the session there will be a networking space. 

Summary table of teaching hours by content blocks 

Training Blocks On-line                   (8/10 to 19/10) 
In-person time           (22/10 to 9/11) 
B-1 15 25 B-2 15 25 B-3 30 15 B-4 - 25 Total 60 90 Mentorings 10 20 This distribution is approximate and may suffer small last minute variations. 

Final Certificate  Participants who have attended at least 80% of the sessions will receive a certificate of attendance from the organization that will be delivered during the final dinner. 
Where is it taking place The course will take place at in Sant Pere de Torelló, (8 training days) and in in Moià (6 training days). Some activities might take place at the University of Vic. 

Who can apply for the Catalonia Drone Camp Any person over 18 years old, with great entrepreneurial spirit that responds to one of the two basic profiles can apply for the Catalonia Drone Camp: 
- People with a technical profile, with a technical knowledge base on drones or remote sensing, preferably with university studies concluded. Potential CTO or startup COO. - People with a business management profile, with certain previous knowledge in the field of drones, preferably with university studies concluded. Profiles of potential CEOs or CFO of startups. 
It will be valued, entrepreneurial and / or work experience. It will be essential to be able to properly follow the Course and the group activities in English. 
Participants can attend the Catalonia DroneCamp with their own idea of a business project or not. In this last case they will be able to define and work on it during the course. The organization will encourage the creation of technical-business profile tandems to work together on the same business idea and will value the registration of people with a previously created tandem. 
Participants selection From the set of people pre-registered in time, the organization will make a selection of 20-25 people according to the following criteria: 

- The entrepreneurial capacity and the similarity with one of the mentioned profiles will be valued positively - It will be a preference to try to reach a balance between people of technical and business profiles - Maximize the possibilities of adaptation from the participant to the programmed activities, and to the whole group. - Achieve, as far as possible, a gender balance 
In case of equal assessment, the organization will chose the participants in order of reception. 
Registration and selection process Pre-registration The pre-registrations will be done through the webpage that leads to the e-mail . It will be necessary to send an email containing; a letter presenting yourself and explaining your motivations, Curriculum Vitae and Registration Form, as well as, where appropriate, letters of recommendation. The letter or the CV will include an updated photograph of the person and a link to their social media profiles. It will be followed by a payment receipt of the 20 € transfered in concept of pre-registration costs in the bank account: IBAN ES4201829661580200280934 (SWIFT BBVAESMMXXX). This cost will be discounted from the registration costs but won’t be refundable if the participant has not been selected.  
Participant selection  Once the pre-registration period is closed, the Selection committee will select the participants. the Selection committee will communicate to the participants if they are finally selected or not. During the selection period, the organization may request the applicants further information. In the selection notification the participants will receive a non-binding offer of services, as close as possible to the ones requested in the pre-selection form. The selected participants will have to send an updated form. It is at this point when they will have to confirm the offer of services and make the money transfer to Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory. 

The selected people must accept the definitive registration by signing the registration form and paying, the total cost of registration and the complementary services contracted. Everything within the established deadlines. 

The Committee may select a waiting list in the event that there are last-minute losses among those selected. The organization will also inform the people who have not been selected, once the process is closed. 

Previous mentoring meetings  The organization will set up a 20 minutes conference telephone call with the participants registered. The organization will at this point inform and adapt the training activities and the mentorings to the ones selected.   

Calendar - Pre-registration: from the date of release of the website until Wednesday, 5th of September, 2018 

- Selection of participants: it will be closed and communicated on September 10th 

- The definitive registration period (including receipt of payment) will be closed on Monday, September 17th. In case of a non-registration from a previously selected person, a new registration period will be opened among the people from the waiting list until Friday, September 21st 

- The previous mentoring meetings will be from September 24th to the 28th 

- The Catalonia DroneCamp will be divided in two phases: x On-line training: from October 8th to 19th 2018 x Face-to-face training: from October 22nd to November 10th. 

 The organization will be able to update this calendar, announcing it on the webpage. It is recommendable to present the pre-registration as soon as possible. 

Online training On-line training will be done through an intranet. Information about the intranet will be provided to the registered participants. 

In-person training: agenda and timetable During the in-person period of the course, the activities will take place from Monday to Friday (except the 1st November, public holiday), with the following schedule. 

- Breakfast will be served at 8.15 am. - The standard schedule of sessions will be from 9 am to 1 pm with a 10-minute coffee break at 11 am. - Lunch from 1pm to 2pm. - Afternoon session from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm with coffee break for 10 minutes at 4:00 p.m. 
During the month of September the details of the schedules of each one of the sessions will be announced on the web. 

Logistics  The organization will offer the services of accommodation, food, transportation and recreational-cultural activities. 

Working spaces  The Barcelona Drone Center has formal classroom, a workshop classroom and a canteen, as well as the entire piloting and flight infrastructure. 

Mas Vinyoles Hub has a training room, a co-working space, a canteen and an auditorium for 65 people. These facilities will also be available the time with no training  and during weekends for all participants. 

Accommodation The organization offers 18 accommodation spots in shared rooms (mainly). There will be 9 spots at Mas Vinyoles and 9 at Torre de Codinac (located 600 meters from Mas Vinyoles). There will be two single rooms with special price. In the shared rooms there will be double beds, single beds and folding beds (with different prices). Summing up, the offer is as follows: 
a) Shared room and single bed: 6 spots 
b) Shared room and folding bed: 4 spots  
c) Shared room and double bed: 6 spots 
d) Single room with double bed: 2 spots 

Check-in from Sunday 21st October (exceptionally from Saturday 20th ) and check out on Sunday November 11th. 
The accommodations are provided with two kitchens and dining room at Mas Vinyoles and one at Torre de Codinac. Mas Vinyoles also has a heated indoor pool, a football field, barbecue area, table tennis and chill-out space. 

If requested, the organization will provide accommodation in hotels located about 15 minutes away from Mas Vinyoles Hub. 
Meals: Breakfast and lunch will be provided on training days to all participants who contract the service. It will be tried to satisfy the special diet requests from the pre-registration form. The two training places have a canteen space for those who want to bring their own food. 

The midweek dinners and weekend meals will be at the participant’s expense. 

On Sunday, October 21st a welcome dinner will take place at Mas Vinyoles for participants who specified it at the registration. 
On Saturday, November 10th, will take place the final "gala" dinner with all the participants and the people who have taught the training and the mentorings. 

Transport: The organization will provide the journeys between the two spots where the training sessions are taught (MVVF and BDC). 

 A pick-up service will be organized from the Torelló train station for all those who request it. 
If requested, the organization will arrange transportation to and from the airport. 

ATTENTION: for participants traveling by plane we recommend the airports of Girona-Costra Brava (50 minutes) or Barcelona-El Prat (90 minutes). 

Complementary activities The organization suggest the following recreational-cultural activities for non-training days. 
- Sunday 21st October. Welcome dinner - Saturday, October 27th. Modernist Barcelona (including Sagrada Familia) and lunch with free time in the afternoon. - Sunday, October 28th. Recreational activities and lunch in Esquirol with Anigami. - Wednesday, October 31st. Halloween. (Open) 

- Thursday 1st of November. Kayak and lunch in Vilanova de Sau. - Saturday 3rd of November. Free visit to Vic including the Saturday market. (Open) - Sunday 4th of November. Gothic Barcelona and lunch with free time in the afternoon. - Saturday 10th of November. Electric bike ride through the Vall del Ges. - Saturday 10th of November. Final dinner with participants, entrepreneurs and teachers (Open). 
The complementary activities must be contracted in block and the cost of the activities that individually have not been attended will not be refunded. The organization may withdraw this service if not contracted by a minimum number of people. As long as there are places available, this service can be hired for a maximum of one companion per participant of the course. 

The swimming pool (only weekends) and the soccer field will be available for all participants. 

Companions  Each participant can request the contracting of the different services for an accompanying person, although, in each service, the participants will always have priority in case of insufficient offer. The services for companions can be: accommodation, meals, complementary activities, welcome dinner and final dinner. The companions will be able to attend the open activities and the Demo Day. 

Prices As indicated in the PRIMER Program guideline, the cost of training and mentoring is 100% subsidized. The real cost is 5,000 € per participant. However, the following prices are established for the rest of the services (all with VAT included). 

Pre-registration: 20 € non-refundable for those not selected. It will be subtracted from the registration cost for the selected participants. 

Registration: 200 €. It includes the use of Mas Vinyoles work spaces during the off-training hours, the use of the pool on weekends, attendance at the "open" complementary activities and at the final dinner. This is the minimum charge that a participant need to pay. Up to this price the other contracted services will be accumulated. 

Welcome dinner: 30 €. 

Meals: 400 €. Includes breakfast and lunch "km0" during the 14 teaching days. We will try to adapt as much as possible to specific requirements: vegetarian, pork-free, alcohol-free, glutenfree, etc., which must be specified at the time of pre-registration or registration. 

Accommodation: The price of standard accommodation in a shared room and a single bed is 700 €. There will be a discount of 50 € for the folding beds and an extra charge of 50 € for double beds. The two single-room spaces cost 950 €. If requested, the check-in can be done on Saturday, October 20th without extra cost. 
The organization, will assign each participant the closest option to the one requested in order of preregistration. 

If requested, a stay at a nearby hotel will be budgeted, which will be similar to the cost of the single room, except for the transportation cost. 

Transport: On request, individual and group pick up / drop-off services will be organized and budgeted at the airport. Except for this case, and those mentioned above, the other transports will be at the participant’s expense 

Complementary activities: The price for the set of activities is of 350 €. In case the organization decides to suspend the offer of activities, participants who have already paid for it will be reimbursed. In case of not being able to do any of the planned activities, an alternative activity will be rescheduled. 
Companions: the price and conditions of the different services for the companions will be the same as for the participants in the course. The accommodation in Torre de Codinac in a single room (double bed) will have an additional cost of 200 € for the companion (that makes 1150 € in total). Participants without a companion will have priority. The shared use of a double bed in a shared room will have an additional cost of 150 € (€ 900 in total). Companions staying in the nearby hotels will be able to use Mas Vinyoles facilities on weekends. Those companions without accommodation service must specify it. 

The companion of any participant (one for each) who wish to attend the final dinner will pay a price of € 40. Standard Packs   We have created the following Packs in order to make the hiring easier. Although it will be possible to hire any combination of different services. (Including VAT) 

Pack Work.  Course registration + welcome dinner. Price 230 € 
Pack Work & Live Includes Pack Work + Meals(breakfast + lunch school days) + Accommodation in single bed and shared room. Price 1,330 € 
Pack Work, Live & Play Includes Work & Live Pack + the set of recreational-cultural activities. Price: 1,680 € 

Payments and billing The payment of the pre-registration fee and the contracted services will be made by transfer in the following bank account: IBAN ES4201829661580200280934 (SWIFT BBVAESMMXXX). 

Mas Vinyoles Venture Factory will send a bill to the ones who have made the transfer. 

Communication For any question, those who are interested, pre-registered or are already selected, they all can contact the organization writing an email to  

Privacy and other aspects The organization will process personal data and all documentation sent by pre-registration members and participants, in accordance with local data protection laws. 
The organization and the participants must commit themselves to maintain the privacy of the ideas and business information previously elaborated by the participants and those analyzed and developed during the course. The intellectual property of the concepts and projects developed in the course will be of each person or team that has worked them. With no rights for the rest of the participant or organizers who have attended the open sessions. 
The participants will sign a confidentiality document at the moment of accepting their registration in the Catalonia Drone Camp. 
The organization has the right to alter these rules for Catalonia DroneCamp in non-substantial aspects and is obliged to publish it on the website and personally notify the participants. 
The decisions of the organization, and especially those of the Selection Committee, will be irrevocable, although those affected may send their complaints to the organization that will take them into account. 

In case of ambiguity, the content of these rules for Catalonia DroneCamp will prevail over whatever is published on the website or other information. 

The first version of these rules for Catalonia DroneCamp has been published on July 15th, 2018. The new versions that may be published, will be identified by the new publication date. 

Mas Vinyoles Hub, July 15, 2018.